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10 Essential On-Page SEO Strategies to Improve Blog Post Ranking

Optimizing your posts is very essential to make it easy for search engines to rank it appropriately. On-Page optimization of your blog post plays a big part in this. There are certain proven techniques to improve the ranking of posts. We'll discuss just that in this article.
Search Engine Optimized articles are important. Therefore, focus has to be on both Onsite and On-Page Optimization for better ranking.  So if your post is not on top, you haven't been paying attention to SEO.
What really improves the ranking of a post? Is it the content, keyword density, interlinking or back linking? Well let's find out with 10 effective on-page SEO techniques that work best for your posts.
·        Blog Title
A crucial on-page SEO factor, it determines visitor count. Keep it attractive and to the point, not exceeding 65 character length. In WordPress, H1 tag is used for title.
Targeted keyword should be used in the beginning of title. However, if that's not possible, place keyword somewhere else. We're good as long as it's there in title. Don't repeat keyword in the title itself. It won't take you anywhere in ranking.
Blog title plays an important role as it's what that attracts visitors. So it should be optimized.
·         Static and Optimized URL
Not just your blog content but even your web page URL should be optimized. Insert your targeted keyword in URL as well. A static instead of a dynamic URL is recommended as it gives a more stable ranking to your web page. It's advisable that URL does not exceed 100 characters.
Don't use special characters, symbols, brackets, etc. within actual URL. However, you can use dashes to differentiate the strings in structure of your URL. These "pretty permalinks" are supported by most web browsers.
·         Heading Tags
Use of Heading Tags ( H2, H3) to highlight important points and sub-headings is a useful tactic. But be cautious against using too many H2 or H3 tags and repetition.
·         Meta Tags
Meta Description which is relevant to your blog post should also be taken care of. Insert the targeted keywords in meta description while keeping it relevant and user friendly.
Meta Description is what prompts users to click on the link which is ranked by search engines. So meta description should not be ignored.

·         Targeted Keyword Density
It is not good to fill your blog with targeted keywords whether or not they are relevant. Instead, a keyword density of around 1.5% is good enough.
Also include LSI keywords. This will make your article interesting and versatile.
What are LSI Keywords? These are not synonyms of keywords but something that is deeply connected to the keyword. Like Apple watch is the LSI keyword if your targeted keyword is wearable technology.
·         Relevant Images
If title brings the viewers there, images stir up viewer's curiosity and interest in what that particular article has to offer. Therefore, relevant images are very important.
Apart from relevant, interesting images are also a welcome feature. An image with a hint of humor keeps visitors engaged and also make the whole content interesting and fun to read.
·         Word Count
For a blog to be engaging, it should be informative. Therefore, length of your post matters. Small posts with fewer word count are not considered as useful by search engines. Write more. It's good to elaborate every point without going overboard.
A blog must have at least 500 words. This is the standard length.
·         Interlinking your web pages
It's a good SEO strategy to interlink your web pages for a better user engagement. For example, if you are writing about keyword density, you can insert a link to your other blog explaining LSI keywords and how to use them.
Basically, provide user what they may ask for at one place. If they don't have to open a different tab for knowing something related to your post, they'll spend more time at your web page.
·         External Linking
You can provide external links to other websites as well if the information is relevant to your post. Make sure the external links are creditable and trustworthy.
If however you are unsure about the credibility of that website, you can use a nofollow tag.
·         Good Content
Nothing beats high quality useful and relevant content. It is content that keeps users hooked to your post. If your article delivers what users were looking for in the first place, you are good to go.
So don't make your article an excuse to just promote your keyword. Instead, make it so informative, interesting and useful that visitors keep coming back for reference.
These 10 on-page SEO strategies will definitely prove to be useful if used in the right way. 

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