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Which is better: Theme Based Website Design Or Custom Website Design?

Let us throw a hypothetical situation at you: you are planning to purchase your first ever house. What will be of utmost importance and would your priorities match somebody else’s as well? Maybe you are considering a cute, little picket fence, a long driveway, and a beautiful backyard; in short, you are looking forward to a home that reflects you and your personality. Well, the same goes for website design. Your w
ebsite design should reflect the true sense and purpose of your business.

While handling the matter of the company’s website, you need to pinpoint the things you want to include and what else can be excluded. You need to make a website that is unique, easy to navigate, user-friendly, and above all, a true reflection of your business. Though the design of the website is important, but not the whole sole point of focus. Now with this, let us discuss the various pros and cons of custom as well as theme-based web design that would surely help you to make a good and smart decision.

Theme Based Website Design


1.   With the theme-based design, you can preview, alter the functionalities, and can have an exact idea as to how would your final page look like. You have a fair idea about the working of a website, even before making it live.

2.   Now you have a plethora of themes that are customized according to the requirements of a particular niche. So, no more hassles with font size, colors, portfolios, content layouts. You just must customize it.

3.   If you don’t have a team of developers for the backend support, then don’t fret. Now when you work with theme-based web design, you automatically have their support team with you that helps you with any kind of complication that may arise before, during, or after the launch.


1.   When you opt for theme-based web design, there are high chances of stumbling on a website using the same theme. There is a lack of sense of originality.

2.   With the pre-structured themes, there is very less space for customization of pages. These themes come with a set page format and you must work according to the theme.

Custom Website Design


1.   The basic advantage of custom web design is that it would be only yours. If you are into baby products, you can have a homepage with soft colors. But to make the custom web design your ally, you need a good team of developers.

2.   You have control over every small detail of the website, be it colors, fonts, layouts, social media integration, or plugins. It can enhance the quality of the website but can also affect overall productivity.


1.   You must understand the fact that when you opt for Website Design Mississauga, the developers must work on it from scratch. In other words, it is a green project, and it would cost you more as compared to the theme-based web design.

2.   Sometimes, you may have to face the situation of ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’. Designing a website is a creative and artistic work and everybody has their own views and perceptions that can lead to decreased productivity and long waiting time.


But before taking any decision pertaining to the website design, you need a website an agency like Enterprise Web Cloud that understands in and out of any business as well the concepts of website designing. When you hire one such agency, one thing you assure yourself is a seamless, user-friendly, and creative website for your brand!


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